Abeco has been managing properties for close to thirty years. Breaking the management process down into specialized departments allows Abeco to employ experts who can handle every conceivable issue that a management company could face. These departments work closely together to create a unified management experience for both client and tenant alike.
Leasing Department
Our leasing services are carried out by expert leasing agents, who strive to keep 100% occupancy on all buildings at all times, which we know is the key to consistent economic growth for our clients. Our agents review every application closely to ensure tenants are qualified, and work closely with the maintenance department to make sure properties are brought to market in superb condition, ready to rent at top market value.
Collection Department
Abeco’s Collection Department aggressively collects rents and expediently processes all tenant pass-throughs. If any issue should arise, the collection department works closely with the legal department to make sure it’s handled properly.
Legal Department
The Legal Department assures that Abeco is constantly up-to-date with current mandates and regulations regarding real estate in the Tri-State area. Through close monitoring, consistent follow up, and collaboration with accomplished lawyers, our legal department is able to handle all tenant actions, and other legal matters that arise.
Maintenance Department
By employing a diverse network of skilled workers, Abeco is prepared for any given job, and is consistently able to respond in a professional and timely manner: keeping tenants happy, buildings up to code, and all utilities running smoothly. Our maintenance department goes by the motto “What costs you $1 today, saves you $10 tomorrow.”
Accounting Department
Using the most state of the art real estate software, our Accounting Department ensures that all bills are paid, and all required property tax filings are processed, in a timely manner. Working closely with real estate tax attorneys and our clients, the accounting department is able to achieve the highest reduction possible by ensuring that all property taxes are protested. Abeco always provides personalized reports to suit each client’s and their accountant’s needs.
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